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Next Projects

Market leading engineering solutions for commercial and complex markets.
We deliver innovative and tailored end-to-end commercial project solutions.
Our experienced and expert team of project engineers, consultants and partner consultancies can collaborate and develop innovative and optimised engineering solutions for clients commercial and complex residential projects.
From predevelopment consultancy, project management through to complete service delivery, we can provide a tailored structural solution, supported by an end-to-end service encompassing civil engineering and field services to deliver your project outcomes.
Our experience and portfolio of project work include:
  • Childcare centres
  • Hospitals
  • Warehouses
  • High rise residential buildings
  • Medium density low rise residential apartments
You can find a comprehensive overview of our commercial and complex residential projects in the portfolio section of our website.
Welcome to a new era in engineering.
Next Engineering Logo
A foundation you can build on
(03) 9421 5588
PO Box 1298, Croydon 3136 VIC
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